
Branded Content

Own your Content

Branded Content - your own individual content

Branded content is your own content, i.e. we create the content specifically for you and your company. There are no license fees or license management, what is more important is that the content is individual and specifically shows your company, your product, your service.

Royalty free

We produce the content exclusively for you and we do not charge for licenses, which eliminates the need for license management, which can sometimes be quite complex, as is the case with the use of stock videos and stock photos. The content was 100% yours.


While stock videos and stock photos are very general, we can produce the content tailored to your needs and have a direct connection to your company. Your company, your product, your service are displayed directly.


Stock videos and stock photos are usually not exclusively licensed, meaning the same content is also used by other companies. Branded content ensures uniqueness and high recognition value.


We take over the entire production of the content. We coordinate the content together and then create a plan for the production of the content. We therefore keep the effort on your part as low as possible. We carry out shoots in your company in a well-planned manner.

Branded content - your objective

The reasons for relying on branded content are varied. While in very large industrial companies the focus is often on the elimination of license management and license costs and on uniqueness, in highly specialized companies or medium-sized companies the focus is often on individuality; i.e. the opportunity to present your own company and products/services as accurately and individually as possible.

Contact us directly and without obligation to discuss your goals and plans.

Career photos

Types of branded content

Branded content production can vary greatly in terms of content, but what they have in common is that your company has a content database with photos and videos. Branded content can be created in a planned production and/or regularly expanded, for example by incorporating content creation into your operational processes. For example, booking ego shooters for your company event for photo documentation and video documentation of the event is also a measure for producing branded content, as you can later reuse the resulting content in your public channels.

  • Product photos
  • Employee photos
  • Photos from everyday work
  • Customer-employee interactions as video and photos
  • Event documentation with photos and videos
  • Documentation of customer orders
  • Emotional video snippets for use in your own productions
  • Own stock videos and stock photos as a purely internal database with the usual, frequently used motifs
  • Produce content with advertising partners
Eventfotos Tagung Jasmin La Noutelle
Businessfoto Eventreportage Interaktionen
Businessfoto Eventreportage Vortrag Vorstand
Fashionfoto Pelz Streichholz


Branded content production process


contact us!

We discuss your content production with you in detail: What content is needed, are external models required, how complex should the production be? After we have determined exactly what is needed, we start content production.


Planning and shoot(s)

In the planning phase, the details of the implementation are determined and, if necessary, external models are cast and the team is put together. We plan shoots at your location with the minimum possible effort on your part.


Download content

Once the shoots are completed, post-production and completion of the content takes place. We make the content available digitally via our in-house cloud. You download the content directly and save it in your own internal storage system. You can use the content immediately.

Action! - Create - Succeed - Repeat

ready for it?


- Create!

- - Succeed!

- - - Repeat!