
Video production for business and advertising

Video Production - Business, Advertising, Agency Services

We produce everything from interviews to elaborate image films or advertising films with our flexible and specialized teams!

Why ego-shooters?


Wir verstehen und transportieren Ihre Vision ins Bewegtbild und beraten Sie mit all unserer Kreativität.


We have high standards and are only satisfied with the best results.

Equipment and Expertise

We shoot, cut and edit our video products using the latest technology up to cinema quality.

Project Management

We have more than 20,000 hours of experience in project management internally and are therefore able to carry out even the most difficult projects without any problems.


Overview video production



We discuss the details with you and, depending on the order, get to work creatively and plan the entire project, from simple interview videos to elaborate commercials. The shoot is prepared in detail (location scouting, casting models, planning equipment, putting together a team).



On the day(s) of filming, our team is on site and shoots the actual video material. The smallest team size is "1", e.g. for interviews; medium-sized teams consist of 3-5 people.



Post-production includes video editing, audio editing, color adjustment (
Color grading) and if necessary special effects. At the beginning and at the end of post-production, we coordinate with our customers again.


Video production - our services in detail

In detail, we offer the following video services. We can deliver both individual parts and complete “turnkey” projects.


  • Scripting: Creation of a complete script including creative ideas for your project.
  • Location scouting
  • Model/actor castings
  • Planning of required equipment
  • Lighting planning
  • Special FX (preferably digital as VFX)


  • Planning the entire day of filming including arrival, departure, catering, filming.
  • Camera control/recording
  • lighting
  • Audio recording
  • Data backup
  • Time code


  • Video editing*
  • Color grading*
  • Video special effects (VFX)*
  • Audio editing
  • Working with or in a distributed team

    *we are Davinci Resolve certified

Video examples

Creative video scripting

Is it an interview / a reading / a crime novel / a promotion? Stand out through details! An example of a promotion for the thriller “Predator Eyes” by Tobias Quast was published by Knaur-Verlag. https://www.tobiasquast.de/

Boxing Promotion

Promotion for the area of martial arts/boxing with German U22 batamweight runner-up Leah Knieps.

Action! - Create - Succeed - Repeat

ready for it?


- Create!

- - Succeed!

- - - Repeat!