

Content Professional

Production of business content

Our content production for business content includes the entire range of business photography and business video production. Starting from employee photos and employee branding to video productions for and from shareholder meetings.

Business photos

Photos of your employees, managers, board members for internal use or for your website.


Photo and video reports from your events and events or customer projects.


Content from your customer projects and developments for your communication channels, internally and externally.


Score points with your employees and enhance your employer branding by having your employees professionally photographed.


Business content as an event

During our business shoots, we often receive feedback from employees that they are thrilled that their employer is investing the money for a high-quality shoot. The appreciation experienced as a result is perceived as very positive. High-quality business shoots are highly recommended, especially in connection with employer branding and the current situation that the job market in Germany has developed into a job market for applicants. The willingness to release a professionally created photo for internal and external communication is much higher than your own cell phone photos. Further information can be found in the business photos section
Business photo showcasing on-site service.

hochwertige Bewerbungsfotos junge Frau im dynamischen Outfit
Bewerbungsfoto Bonn Mann mit Bart und Brille
Bewerbungsfoto vom Fotografen in Bonn Frau mit Brille sehr lässig
bewerbungsfoto geschäftsführerportrait stark energetisch


Event documentation

We provide documentary support for your event, i.e. we create photo and video recordings of your events. Events can be accompanied purely passively or actively. Active means that we conduct interviews, have set up photo and video points, with small installations to create special content. Further details can also be found in the area Event photography.

Eventfotos Tagung Buehnenprogramm
Eventfotografie Konzertfotos Christian Blüm
Eventfotos Moderatorin Jasmin La Noutelle
Businessfoto Eventreportage


For regular content needs

Continuous content production

For regular needs, such as content for social media, photos of new employees, regular events, we are happy to offer you a framework agreement and plan the creation of the content for you as well as the required workflows and we provide you with consistent content in reliable quality .

Business portraits in studio or on location

Portraits of managing directors and board members

Content for social media

Event documentation


Coaching and training

Would you like to produce videos yourself internally, e.g. explanatory videos for your systems or for customers? Do you often have press events and want to improve your personal impact in press photos?

We offer individual training and coaching and are happy to accompany you in the starting phase.

Setting up an internal studio and training in storytelling, editing, technology

  • Building your own studio
  • Required technology
  • Training recording, lighting, editing and storytelling

Camera coaching - Look better in press photos

  • Analysis of existing photos
  • Recording of optimization points
  • Training posture for maximum results
Präzise Anleitung des Models bei Bewerbungsfotos

Action! - Create - Succeed - Repeat

ready for it?


- Create!

- - Succeed!

- - - Repeat!